
  1. “Effects of Ageing and Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, on saccadic intrusions during smooth pursuit eye movement.” T. Chan and P. Eustace. Joint Irish and New Orleans Ophthalmological Societies’ meeting, October 1988.
  2. “An Infrared Oculographic Analysis of Normal Pursuit Eye Movements” T. Chan, M. Codd, P. Kenny and P. Eustace. At the 72nd annual meeting of the Irish Ophthalmological Society, Dublin May 1989.
  3. “Catch-up Saccades Increase on Right Gaze with Age” T. Chan and P. Eustace at the Neuro-ophthalmology Club Meeting, Institute of Neurology, National Hospital, Queen Square, London, June 1989.
  4. “Childhood Penetrating Eye Injuries Management and Results” T. Chan and M. O’Keefe at the 2nd International Paediatric Ophthalmology Meeting, Dublin, September 1989 and poster presentation at the 16th annual meeting of the American Association for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, New York, July 1990.
  5. ‘The Dysmorphic Eye” T. Chan, R. Bowell and M. O’Keefe at the 73rd annual meeting of the Irish ophthalmological Society, Dublin, May 1990.
  6. “Congenital Glaucoma” T. Chan, M. ‘O’Keefe and R. Bowell at The Glaucoma Meeting, Dublin, October 1992.
  7. “Visual outcome in 87 children with cataracts between 1980 to 1992” T. Chan, M. O’Keefe, R. Bowell and B. Lanigan, poster presentation at The College Congress Meeting, Birmingham, May,1993.
  8. “The role of trabeculectomy in primary and secondary congenital glaucoma” T. Chan, M. O’Keefe, R. Bowell and B. Lanigan, poster presentation at The College Congress Meeting, Birmingham, May, 1993.
  9. “Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and posterior uveitis” T. Chan, A. Dick, J. Forrester and R. Herriot. Scottish Clinical Immunology Meeting, Perth, June1993.
  10. “Congenital Glaucoma: A clinicopathological case presentation” T. Chan, W. Donaldson and G. Scott, poster presentation at The Royal College Congress Meeting, Guernsey, April 1994.
  11. “The role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in uveitis” T.Chan, A.Dick, J.Forrester and R.Herriot, poster presentation at The Royal College Congress Meeting, Guernsey, April, 1994.
  12. “Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies associated uveitis” T. Chan, A. Dick, J. Forrester and R. Herriot. Scottish Ophthalmological Club and North of England Ophthalmic Society meeting, Dalmahoy, October 1994.
  13. “Echographic evaluation of intraocular masses – the first one hundred cases” N. Watson, T. Chan, H. Atta. Scottish Ophthalmological Club meeting, Dundee, March, 1995.
  14. “Long term results of lid lengthening procedures for eyelid retraction in dysthyroid eye disease” T. Chan, M. Bdour, C. Hutchinson, poster presentation at The Royal College Meeting, Birmingham, May, 1995.
  15. “The clinical value of standardised echography in ophthalmic practice” N. Watson, T. Chan, H. Atta, poster presentation at The Royal College Congress Meeting, Birmingham, May, 1995.
  16. “Long term stability of adult strabismus surgery using adjustable sutures” T. Chan and W. Church, poster presentation at The Royal College Meeting, Edinburgh, May 1996.
  17. ‘Clinical features of congenital absence of superior oblique muscle as demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging.’ T. Chan and J. Demer. Jules Stein Eye Institute Research and Alumni Day Meeting, Los Angeles, March, 1998.
  18. ‘Is adjustable suture technique a safe and effective method in pediatric strabismus surgery?’ T. Chan, A. Rosenbaum and L. Hall. Poster presentation at The Jules Stein Eye Institute Research and Alumni Day Meeting, Los Angeles, March, 1998.
  19. “Clinical features of congenital absence of superior oblique muscle as demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging” T. Chan and J. Demer, presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Palm Spring, April 1998.
  20. “Clinical features of congenital absence of superior oblique muscle as demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging” T. Chan and J. Demer. Poster presentation at Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, Oxford, July,1998.
  21. “The efficacy of adjustable suture technique (AST) in paediatric strabismus surgery.” T. Chan. A. Rosenbaum and L. Hall. Presentation at The 8th International Strabismological Association Meeting, Maastricht, September 1998.
  22. ‘Indocyanine green angiography of the anterior segment undergoing strabismus surgery.’ T. Chan, A. Rosenbaum and S. Schwartz. Poster presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Toronto, April 1999.
  23. ‘Visual prognosis in persistent pupillary membrane.’ T. Chan, D. Brosnahan, J. Leitch, I. Russell-Eggitt and D. Taylor. Poster presentation at The Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Cardifff, May 1999.
  24. ‘The optimum timing for adjustment in adjustable suture strabismus surgery.’ T. Chan, S. Isenberg, A. Rosenbaum, T. Chou, R. Clark and M. Keyes. Poster presentation at The Ninth International Orthoptic Congress, Stockholm, June 1999.
  25. ‘Persistent pupillary membrane.’ T. Chan, D. Brosnahan, J. Leitch, I. Russell-Eggitt and D. Taylor. Poster presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, San Diego, April 2000.
  26. ‘The optimum timing for adjustment in adjustable suture strabismus surgery.’ F. Velez, T. Chan, S. Isenberg, A. Rosenbaum, T. Chou, R. Clark and M. Keyes.
  27. Paper presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, San Diego, April 2000.
  28. ‘Neonatal intraocular haemorrhage. A cautionary tale. K. May, T. Chan and A. Parsons. Poster presentation at the Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Harrogate, May 2000.
  29. ‘Retinal haemorrhages in meningoccocal meningitis.’ S. Dinakaran, T. Chan, K. May and A. Parsons. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, July 2000.
  30. ‘Open angle glaucoma in Hurler Scheie syndrome.’ P. Puri & T. Chan. European Paediatric Ophthalmology Group meeting, Cambridge, September 2000.
  31. ‘Ophthalmic manifestations of craniometaphyseal dysplasia.’ P. Puri and T. Chan. European Paediatric Ophthalmology Group meeting, Cambridge, September 2000.
  32. ‘Retinal haemorrhages in meningoccocal meningitis.’ S. Dinakaran, T. Chan, K. May and A. Parsons. Poster presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Orlando, March 2001.
  33. ‘Epidemic keratoconjunctivits: do outbreaks have to be epidemic? D. Cheung, J. Bremner, S. Kolli and T. Chan. Poster presentation at the Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham, May 2001.
  34. ‘Facial naevus flammeus with choroidal haemangioma and without intracranial involvement.’ M. Madlom, T. Chan, P. Griffiths and N. Hoggard. Poster presentation at British Paediatric Neurology Association meeting, Newcastle, January 2002.
  35. ‘Is the surgical outcome in primary horizontal strabismus surgery performed by junior trainees as comparable as the consultants?’ P. Puri, T. Chan and J. Burke. Presentation at the Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Manchester, May 2002.
  36. ‘The long term results of simultaneous bilateral lensectomies in children.’ T. Chan, S. Dinakaran and D. Squirral. Poster presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Hawaii, 2003.
  37. ‘Retinal and intracranial hemorrhages after vontouse delivery.’ A. Ingles, and T. Chan. Poster presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Hawaii, 2003.
  38. ‘Bilateral simultaneous cataract surgery in megalocornea.’ A. Berry-Brincat, T. Chan. Poster presentation at The European Society of Cornea and refractive Surgery meeting, Rome, 2003.
  39. ‘The long term results of simultaneous bilateral lensectomies in children.’ T. Chan, S. Dinakaran and D. Squirral. Poster presentation at the Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham, May 2003.
  40. ‘Primary phacoemulsification and viscodissection in the management of narrow angle glaucoma. M. Gupta, F. Lyons and T. Chan. Presentation at The United Kingdom & Ireland Cornea and Refractive Surgery Symposium, Chester, September 2003.
  41. ‘The management of narrow angle glaucoma and cataract by primary phacoemulsification and viscodissection of the drainage angle. M. Gupta, F. Lyons and T. Chan. Presentation at the Annual Congress of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Manchester, May 2004.
  42. ‘Primary phacoemulsification and viscodissection in the management of narrow angle glaucoma. M. Gupta, F. Lyons and T. Chan. Presentation at The XXll European Cornea and Refractive Surgery Symposium, Paris, September 2004.
  43. ‘Visual outcome in primary and secondary foldable posterior chamber lens implantation after vitreous loss in phacoemulsification. N. Ahmed, P. Mehta and T. Chan. Presentation at The XXll European Cornea and Refractive Surgery Symposium, Paris, September 2004.
  44. ‘Paediatric optic disc drusens – a diagnostic dilemma?’ A. Jain, D. Squirrel, and T. Chan. Presentation at The American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Meeting, Washington, March 2005.
  45. ‘Long term visual prognosis in primary and secondary foldable posterior chamber lens implantation after vitreous loss in Phacoemulsification. N. Ahmed, P. Mehta and T. Chan. Presentation at The Annual Congress of Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham, May 2005.
  46. ‘Identifying the role of computerised tomography in children with presumed preseptal celluitis.’ Z. Youssef, P. Mehta, D. Squirrel, J. McEwan, A. Ragavan and T. Chan. Presentation at The Annual Congress of Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham, May 2005.
  47. ‘Long term visual prognosis in primary and secondary foldable posterior chamber lens implantation after vitreous loss in phacoemulsification. N. Ahmed, P. Mehta and T. Chan. Presentation at American Research and Visual science Organisation, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 2005.
  48. ‘Long term intraocular pressure control after primary phacoemulsification and viscodissection in narrow angle glaucoma. S. Salvi, M. Gupta, F. Lyons and T. Chan. Presentation at The XXlll European Cornea and Refractive Surgery Symposium, Lisbon, September 2005.
  49. ‘Bilateral spontaneous cataracts in a newly diagnosed diabetic child. A clinicopathological correlation. K. Sears and T. Chan. Presentation at the XXV European Cornea & Refractive Surgery Symposium, London September 2006.
  50. Acrysof IQ implantation in children Poster presentation. I.Masood, T.Chan. World Ophthalmology Congress 2008, Hong Kong.
  51. ‘Simultaneous bilateral cataract extraction in paediatric patients in a tertiary referral centre in the U.K.’ S. Bhatta, K. May, A. Berry-Brincat, D. Dinakaran, T. Chan. Poster Presentation World Ophthalmology Congress 2008, Hong Kong.
  52. ‘Ophthalmoplegia secondary to nasopharyngeal phacomyosarcoma’. S. Bhatta, T Chan World Ophthalmology Congress 2008, Hong Kong.
  53. ‘Phacoemulsification combined with visco-disection of the angle as a primary procedure in the management of cataract with co-existing narrow angle glaucoma.’ P. Cikatricis, S. Bhatta, S. Salvi, M. Gupta, T. Chan. Presented at The XXVI European Cornea and Refractive Surgery Symposium September 2008, Berlin.
  54. ‘Optical coherence topography imaging of paediatric retinal pathology.’ N. Raoof, T. Ung, T. Chan. Poster presentation at The XXVII, World Congress of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Barcelona. September 2009.
  55. ‘Spectral OCT images of serous retinal detachment in a 7 year old child’. A Maudgil, T Chan. World Congress 2010.
  56. ‘Acute, life-threatening presentation of myasthenia gravis in a 3 year old child’. WCPOS 2012, Milan.
  57. ‘Use of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography to image paediatric macular and posterior pole pathology’; presenting results on departmental use of Spectralis OCT in Children. Raoof N, Ung T, T Chan. World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin.
  58. ‘Crossed chiasmal asymmetry, is it really a feature of albinism?’ RCOPTH Annual Congress 2011. J . Williams, J Marr, T Chan.
  59. ‘Chiasmal misrouting – is it really a feature of albinism?’ Oxford Congress 2012. J . Williams, J Marr, T Chan.
  60. ‘Chiasmal misrouting – is it really a feature of albinism?’ WCPOS Milan 2012. J . Williams, J Marr, T Chan.
  61. ‘Chiasmal misrouting: Is it really a feature of albinism?’ 8th ISO-HK 2012. J. Williams, J Marr, T Chan.
  62. ‘Combined cataract surgery and Lucentis injection for vein occlusions and macular degeneration’. O. Rafiq, T Chan, 8th ISO-HK 2012.
  63. ‘Unilateral medical rectus recession in small angle esotropia by modified Hang-Back Technique.’ A Hardisty, C Whalley and T Chan. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, Oxford, July 2013.
  64. ‘Toy laser macular burns in children.’ N Raoof, T Chan. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, Oxford, July 2014 (Poster gold medal prize winner.)
  65. ‘Toy laser macular burns in Children. T. Chan. 10th ISO-HK Congress 2014.
  66. ‘Audit results on paediatric cataract surgery and new lens implantation.’ Submitted for American Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association (AAPOS) meeting in Vancouver, March 2016.
  67. ‘Audit results on single muscle surgery in small angle esotropia.’ Submitted for AAPOS meeting in Vancouver, March 2016.
  68. ‘Early experience with a new pre-loaded intraocular lens in paediatric cataract surgery.’ Daniel Gosling, T. Chan. Eposter BIPOSA in Dublin 2016.
  69. ‘Early recurrence of Retinopathy of prematurity after initial Ranibizumab intravitreal injection- early experience from a tertiary centre in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.’ A. Ali, T. Chan, A. El Barky, F. Habroosh, R. Al Nuaimi, H. Eatamadi. Oral presentation at Joint AAPOS and CPOS meeting, Shanghai, China, October 2017.
  70. ‘A 6-year review on preseptal and orbital cellulitis in patients under 18 years old and the use of steroids in its management within a tertiary center in Abu Dhabi.’ R. Al Nuaimi, T. Chan, F. Habroosh, M. Alzaabi, A. Al Ali, I. Alhammadi, A. Binamro. Oral presentation at the Joint AAPOS and CPOS meeting , Shanghai, China, October 2017.
  71. ‘Retinopathy of prematurity recurrence after intravitreal Ranibizumab injection in triplets- a case report. A. Binamro, R. Al Nuaimi, T. Chan. Poster presentation at the EOS meeting, Dubai December 2017.
  72. ’Early recurrence of Retinopathy of prematurity after initial Ranibizumab intravitreal injection- early experience from a tertiary centre in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.’ A. Ali, T. Chan, A. El Barky, F. Habroosh, R. Al Nuaimi, H. Eatamadi. Accepted for poster presentation at The Oxford Congress, July 2018.
  73. ‘A 6-year review on preseptal and orbital cellulitis in patients under 18 years old and the use of steroids in its management within a tertiary center in Abu Dhabi.’ R. Al Nuaimi, T. Chan, F. Habroosh, M. Alzaabi, A. Alali, I. Alhammadi, A. Binamro. Poster presentation at the The Oxford Congress, July 2018.
  74. ‘Early recurrence of Retinopathy of prematurity after initial intravitreal Ranibizumab injection- early experience from a tertiary centre in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.’ A. Ali, T Chan, A. El Barky, F. Habroosh, R. Al Nuaimi, H. Eatamadi. Eposter presentation at BIPOSA meeting, Manchester October 2018.
  75. ‘A 6-year review on preseptal and orbital cellulitis in patients under 18 years old and the use of steroids in its management within a tertiary center in Abu Dhabi.’ R. Al Nuaimi, T. Chan, F. Habroosh, M. Alzaabi, A. Al Ali, I. Alhammadi, A. Binamro. Eposter presentation at the BIPOSA meeting, Manchester October 2018.
  76. ‘Retinopathy of prematurity recurrence after intravitreal Ranibizumab injection in triplets- a case report. A. Binamro, R. Al Nuaimi, T. Chan. Eposter presentation at the BIPOSA meeting, Manchester October 2018.
  77. ‘Early recurrence of retinopathy of prematurity after primary intravitreal Ranibizumab monotheray.’ Poster presentation at the AAPOSA meeting, San Diego, March 2019.
  78. ‘Drug induced secondary intracranial hypertension.’ E. Saxby, C. Schmoll and T. Chan. Poster presentation at the Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, Oxford, July 2019.
  79. ‘Drug induced secondary intracranial hypertension.’ E. Saxby, C. Schmoll and T. Chan. Poster presentation at the World Ophthalmological Congress, Paris, September 2019.
  80. ‘Early recurrence of retinopathy of prematurity after primary intravitreal Ranibizumab monotheray.’ T. Chan, Oral presentation at the BIPOSA meeting, Edinburgh, October 2019.
  81. ‘ Just another case of exotropia’ K. Ah-See, T. Chan, Oral presenatation at the Scottish Ophthalmological Club, Edinburgh, February 2010.
  82. ‘APAO Congress – Abstract Presentation of the 38th APAO Congress’, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23 – 26 February 2023
  83. ‘Inherited Diseases’ – Hindi Nader NK, Dhillon Baljean, Chan TK, Yii Fabian SL. – Poster Presentation at Floretina Icoor 2023, Roma, 30th Nov – 3rd Dec 2023.
  84. ‘Paediatric Optic Nerve Glioma: A Scottish Retrospective Study and Analysis of Outcomes’ – Y. KOH, J WU, T CHAN  – Poster Presentation at World Ophthalmology Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August 2024
  85. ‘Case report – Duane’s type I with bilateral hearing loss’ – Y. KOH, J WU, T CHAN  – Poster Presentation at World Ophthalmology Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August 2024
  86. ‘Visual come of paediatric optic nerve glioma: The Edinburgh experience’. By Y. Koh, J. Wu and T Chan.  Paper presentation at the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus meeting, April 2025, Salt Lake  City, Utah, USA.